The DH3 is a family friendly hash located in Dubai. New joiners and visitors are always welcome, come along, ask for the GM and introduce yourself.
We meet every Monday evening at different locations through the year. Maps to the meeting point are published on the website prior to Monday. The run and walk start at 19:00 prompt, arrive by 18:45.
If we are meeting at a villa or in the desert, fees are 50AED(M)/40AED(F) and that includes all your beer, cocktails, softies and food. If we are meeting a pub/bar, fees are 10AED and it's pay-as-you-go for your own food and beer.
Runs are usually less than 5km in summer and less than 7km in winter. Walks are usually around 3km all year round.
The DH3 also has an active calendar of social events, see calendar below.
Upcoming Hashes and Social Events
The DH3 has a full calendar of events for the coming months:
September 2024
A little bit further away...
Come Again, Sexy Lady and Randy Root’s 210th Birthday! Hayling Island, UK
Further details will be distributed through the WhatsApp and e-mail groups closer to the date. To add an event, please e-mail the Webmeister.
New to Hashing?
The Hash House Harriers, commonly abbreviated to H3, is an international, but loosely connected, organisation of social running groups.
These groups meet at regular intervals to partake of a little exercise followed by some serious socialising.
If hashing once a week in Dubai isn't enough for, then you can also join:
Creek Hash, Dubai (Men only Hash)
Barbie Hash, Dubai (Ladies only Hash)
If you're off down to capital, join the Abu Dhabi Hash House Harriers
Want to hash somewhere else in the world? Then Go To The Hash!